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In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, the 21st century demands leaders to adapt to a new way of leading. Where traditional methods of authority and command are no longer wanted, a more dynamic, inclusive and adaptable approach becomes more prominent.
This blog aspires to embark on a journey to explore the multifaceted dimensions of leadership in this exciting era. Here, we will delve into the art and science of leadership, critically examining the issues, trends and challenges that 21st century leaders are currently facing and the best practices to overcome it.
In this blog, we explore the realm of
digital learning and how it unravels the 21st century, requiring leaders to take on a bigger role in coaching its employees. We also confront the pervasive issue of corruption and its profound impact on ethical leadership, seeking to foster ethical practices. Another prominent theme emerging is for organisations to be sustainable which when fully understood goes far beyond its often associated with green initiatives. Next, we discuss the urgent need for innovation in our dynamic environment and the crucial role that visionary leadership plays in this regard. Finally, we explore the transformation of the working culture prior to the 21st century and after the 21st century, and how authentic leadership contributes a healthier workplace.
Hopefully by the end of our blog, we will have left you inspired and informed to take on these challenges that the 21st century pose to us. These challenges may be unprecedented; these are also opportunities. Let us embark on this enlightening journey together and embrace the new frontier of leadership in the 21st century.
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Image by Declan Sun

Disclaimer: This blog is created to fulfill the academic coursework requirements of the subject MGT3073 Leadership conducted at Sunway University, Malaysia, and is for educational purposes only. It is not meant for commercial or consulting purposes, and is not for sharing and distribution.

A Sight to See

The Epitome of Innovation

Abstract Objects


In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, the 21st century demands leaders to adapt to a new way of leading. Where traditional methods of authority and command are no longer wanted, a more dynamic, inclusive and adaptable approach becomes more prominent.In summary, the evolving landscape of leadership in the 21st century takes a more selfless approach in navigating complexities with digitalisation, work culture, numbness, corruption and sustainability. A unifying element among the five delineated leadership styles was the collective emphasis on inspiring, building trust and placing the goals and welfare of others over individual interests; but more importantly, an essential takeaway for our readers is to recognise the inherent value in each leadership style. Rather than seeking perfection in a single style, aspiring leaders are best equipped when they embrace the notion that adaptability to change is the essence of effective leadership.

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